Don't set your limits...go out and find them.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Endurance Challenge 2010

So we are in the initial stages of planning the 2010 Endurance Challenge. Potential dates include Th-Fri, April 29-30 or Sat-Sun, May 1-2. Still trying to decide which option will encourage the most people to participate.

Photo taken just after the finish last year, having just ran 96 miles.

The challenge itself last year was pretty simple. I challenged the students at Stewartville Middle School - I went to school there and currently teach 6th grade there - to exercise for a total of 24 hours over a 10 week period. In return, I ran/walked a 4 mile loop around Stewartville for 24 hours from 8:30am May 7th - 8:30 am May 8th. This years challenge will likely be very similar.

Coming in for the finish with a 2 squad car escort for the final 1 1/2 miles.

For more information, see my wiki that I set up for the event.